Prof. Dr. Christian Lippert

  • Fachgebietsleitung für Produktionstheorie und Ressourcenökonomik im Agrarbereich (410a)

Containerbau südlich des Biogebäudes
Ottilie-Zeller-Weg 6
Gebäude 02.91
Zimmer 022
D-70599 Stuttgart

T | 0711 459-22560
E |

Sprechzeiten (Office Hours): Montag (on Mondays) 15.00 - 18.00 Uhr
nach Vereinbarung (kurze E-Mail) /please make an appointment via E-Mail

Universität Hohenheim
FG Produktionstheorie und Ressourcenökonomik im Agrarbereich (410a)
D-70593 Stuttgart

Hohenheimer HisInOne Homepage Prof. Dr. Christian Lippert


  • PERGNER, I. and C. LIPPERT (2025): Identifying Risk-Efficient Crop Portfolios for Different Cropping Systems by Analyzing the Tradeoffs Between Arable Farming Profits and Profit Stability. German Journal of Agricultural Economics (Agrarwirtschaft) 74, p.1-31, DOI:
  • TSHOTSHO, LIPPERT, C., ZIKELI, S., KRIMLY, T., BARISSOUL, A. and A. FEUERBACHER (2024): The role of management and farming practices, yield gaps, nutrient balance and institutional settings in the context of large-scale organic conversion in Bhutan. Agricultural Systems 220 (2024) 104057, 17p.,  DOI:
  • TSHOTSHO, LIPPERT, C. and A. FEUERBACHER (2023): Organic agriculture, labour exchange and social networks: a case study of smallholder farming in Bhutan. Org. Agr. (2023) 13, p. 83-98.,  DOI:
  • PERGNER, I., LIPPERT, C., PIEPHO, H.-P., SCHWARZ, J. and H. KEHLENBECK (2024): How to determine temporal yield variances of various cropping systems for modelling farmers’ production risk - Illustrated by results from a long-term field trial. European Journal of Agronomy 152 (Online 31.10.2023, DOI:
  • PERGNER, I. and C. LIPPERT (2023): On the effects that motivate pesticide use in perspective of designing a cropping system without pesticides but with mineral fertilizer–a review. Agronomy for Sustainable Development 43, 24, S.1-22 (Online, 17.02.2023, DOI:

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